Pegasus Clinical Connect Peer Education Programme


This Agreement provides You the right to access and use the Pegasus Clinical Connect Peer Education Programme. The Programme has been developed and evaluated by Pegasus and the concept has been shown to be effective in changing clinician behaviour. Its character is that it is peer-led, evidence based and independent.

1. Agreement

In this Agreement, the terms listed in this table have the meanings set out beside them:

Term Meaning
Fee As confirmed by email
Programme Means the Clinical Connect Peer Education Programme for five topics over 12 consecutive months to be conducted through online meetings as confirmed to You by email
You The Clinician participating in the Programme, and “Your” has a related meaning

2. Other Terms

Other terms that are used in this Agreement have the following definitions:

Agreement: means these Terms and Conditions.

CC means Clinical Connect.

IP Rights: means Pegasus’s intellectual property rights throughout the world, whether present or future, arising under statutory or common law, including without limitation: copyright; trade marks (whether registered or unregistered); brand names; designs; know-how; and trade secrets, and includes (without limitation) all rights in respect of the Materials.

Materials: means the materials provided by Pegasus under this Agreement, including the content of the Programme, the written materials: pre-reading, presenter’s notes, slide presentation, and hand-outs, and includes, where relevant, the processes and other materials developed by Pegasus to run the Programme.

3. Payment

a) In consideration for Pegasus making the Programme available to you, you agree to pay the Fee no later than two weeks prior to the start date of the Programme using one of Pegasus’ preferred payment methods. You agree that if you have not paid the Fee in accordance with this clause, Pegasus may cancel your enrolment in the Programme.

4. CC Programme:

a) For each scheduled CC programme, Pegasus will:

i Make Materials available to You online for each scheduled topic, where possible at least one week before a meeting that forms part of Your CC Programme;

ii Provide You with a link to an online meeting which will be the forum for conducting the CC programme;

iii Provide trained leaders to facilitate the CC programme; and

iv Provide You with access to Pegasus’ online learning platform, Te Rau Akau.

5. Personal information:

a) You agree that Pegasus may use and hold the information that is requested about You on the registration forms for the purposes of administering the Programme and for:

i Marketing our products and services; and

ii Otherwise supporting you, reporting upon, improving and planning our products and services.

6. Data

Where it is relevant for Your professional scope of practice, that is You are a prescriber, You give permission to Pegasus to collect, use, disclose and hold Your laboratory testing, pharmaceutical prescribing and referral data (Data) for the purpose of providing feedback and peer comparison as part of the Programme, including for comparison between:

a) Your current and Your historical Data;

b) Your Data and the equivalent Data of Your peers on the Programme; and

c) Your Data and the equivalent Data of other groups of practitioners.

7. Intellectual Property:

a) You acknowledge Pegasus’s IP Rights in the Materials and agree that You will not:

i Make any claim in relation to, or challenge the validity of, our Intellectual Property Rights

ii Take any action prejudicial to any Intellectual Property Rights

iii Use any Materials in any way other than as required to obtain the benefits of the Programme, as set out in this Agreement.

iv Alter, copy or distribute any Materials without our prior written consent.

b) Pegasus grants You a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable licence, for the duration of this Agreement, to use the Materials solely for the purpose of undertaking the Programme, as set out in this Agreement.

c) You acknowledge that any IP Rights that arise as a result of Pegasus providing the Programme, will vest in Pegasus as they arise.

8. Conduct:

a) You acknowledge that You, along with other attendees of the Programme, have responsibility for creating and managing a supportive group culture for the Programme by complying with the Clinical Connect Guidelines attached at Appendix 1 to this Agreement.

b) If you do not comply with the terms of this Agreement, including the Clinical Connect Guidelines, Pegasus may give you written notice of actions that we reasonably require You to take. Pegasus may terminate or suspect this Agreement at our sole discretion if you fail to undertake those actions within 20 days of receiving the notice.

9. Quality Assurance:

a) Pegasus is committed to providing high quality continuing professional education to help clinicians improve the health of the people in their communities. To ensure standards are maintained, Pegasus may ask You to complete CC Leader evaluation forms.

b) To ensure the Materials provided are current, they may be used only for the CC programme for which they were provided.

c) Clinical Connect meets professional development requirements for the following professional bodies: Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners | Te Whare Tohu Rata o Aotearoa (all competency domains), Nursing Council of New Zealand | Te Kaunihera Tapuhi o Aotearoa, The Pharmacy Council of New Zealand | Te Pou Whakamana Kaimatū o Aotearoa (MyRecert programme).

d) If you attend a CC meeting, we will provide you with evidence of your attendance at the meeting through Te Rau Ako.

10. Addressing Concerns:

a) If either party has any concerns about the Programme we will advise the other of those concerns as soon as possible by giving the other party written notice of the concerns. No later than 7 days after receiving a written notice, the parties will meet (online or in person) to discuss the concerns raised and to attempt to resolve them.

11. Liability:

a) The parties agree that the Programme and all services provided under this Agreement, are provided for business purposes, and the provisions of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 do not apply.

b) Pegasus will not be liable for any loss (including without limitation, loss of profits or consequential loss), expense, compensation, damage, injury or delay of any kind, arising (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) in connection with the Programme or this Agreement. To the extent that Pegasus is unable to exclude liability, liability will be limited to the total fees paid under this Agreement.

Appendix 1: Clinical Connect Guidelines

These guidelines are a useful way to help set ground rules and establish the way the group agrees to interact.

Creating and managing a supportive group culture is a shared responsibility, it is important all group members feel they have both the right and responsibility to draw the group back to the agreed guidelines where required.

Confidentiality - Matatapu

  • Reflecting on and learning from Clinical Connect content and discussions is an important aspect of the Clinical Connect process. Further discussion may happen within the practice setting when reflecting on the topic or applying learning within practice. Confidential information shared within the group must remain within the group. It is essential that individual patient, data, practitioner, and practice confidentiality is maintained where discussions occur outside of the Clinical Connect environment
  • To protect the privacy of others when meeting online please have your camera on for the duration of the meeting, so everyone can see who is in attendance. Where necessary please use a headset to ensure others outside the group cannot hear the discussion

Communication - Whakawhitiwhiti kōrero

  • Provide an equal opportunity for everyone to actively participate and contribute

Courtesy - Atawhaitanga

  • As all contributions are valuable only one person speaking at any time please
  • Different viewpoints are natural, ensure respectful appreciation of differing views, critique the comment or idea, not the person. Be courteous to others especially if you disagree or do not understand

Co-operation - Mahi tahi

  • Share knowledge/information to promote and enhance professional development within a supportive peer environment

Challenge - Wero

  • Respectfully challenge one another and ourselves to identify and address our biases, attitudes, stereotypes, prejudices, to reduce inequity, and practice in a culturally safe manner

Commitment - Manawanui

  • Prepare for Clinical Connect meetings by reading the pre-reading. Attend Clinical Connect meetings regularly and work within these guidelines to develop and support a healthy group culture

Constructive Feedback - Whakahoki kōrero

  • Complete an Evaluation Form, constructive feedback improves the programme, encourages, and supports Clinical Connect development and provides an opportunity to suggest future education topics.